It is now compulsory to test all breeding stock for Hydrocephalus and dwarfism. All approved stallions test results are now up on the KFPS site and can be viewed here.
The new KFPS rules are now also making it compulsory for all mares being used for breeding and for all ster mares to be tested. All mares foaling from now on if not already tested will have to submit DNA samples for testing as part of the foal registration process. If both of the mare’s parents are already tested as negative the KFPS and NZFHS will accept that is meaning the mare is also negative.
It is also compulsory to have non breeding permit stallions tested. All current non permit stallions being used for breeding must have their DNA test results submitted to the NZFHS by no later than 31st Dec 2017 and resultant foals born after 1st Jan 2018 by stallions who are untested will have to have the stallions DNA test done as part of the foals registration process.
DNA testing forms are available on the NZFHS website. Due to the large number of horses being tested it can take some months for the results to come back so it’s important that you start this process as soon as possible.