Reminders for Sales, Purchases and Membership

As there’s been a bit of confusion on this recently, on behalf of the NZFHS board, some information below about selling a horse registered with the KFPS/NZFHS, foal registration, and answers to a few more common questions:
The “Certificate of Registration” = The Studbook Paper
– This is laminated and watermarked with a raised textured stamp of the Koninklijke Vereniging Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek (The KFPS).
– At all times the Studbook Paper of any horse will remain the property of the KFPS.
For you as the purchaser to register your new horse under your ownership, you need to be a member of your Friesian Society (NZFHS in New Zealand).
Responsibilities of Seller and Purchaser
Seller:– Within two weeks of the sale taking place, you need to post the original Studbook Paper (don’t pass it onto the Purchaser) and the Transfer Form (signed by both parties) with the name and the address of the new owner(s), to the Registrar of the NZFHS Inc. Details of the Purchaser can be put on the back of the Studbook Paper as well.
Address of NZFHS Registrar:
Registrar NZFHS Inc.
Louis Weitenberg
349 Gillespies Line, RD5
Palmerston North
postcode – 4475
— When the information has been received, the Registrar will inform the Treasurer that the Deposit held for the Studbook Paper can be released back to the Seller minus the selling admin fee.
Purchaser:– Complete the Membership Form for the NZFHS Inc (if not a member)
— Once membership confirmation is received from the NZFHS Inc., complete the Purchaser’s details on the Transfer Form and pay the Purchaser’s transfer fees.
— Pay the Studbook Paper deposit fees (the deposit is held by the NZFHS and will be returned to you when your horse is sold or becomes deceased).
— Up-to-date Fees and Forms are all available on our website:
– The new owner receives the updated valid Studbook Paper via post to their home address. New members will receive the book about the Friesian Horse (let us know if you have not received one) as well.
– You should also receive information directly from the KFPS with Login details to access the KFPS Friesian owner’s information, called “myKFPS”. This will give you access to your horse history and to lots more information.
– The process of receiving the updated Studbook Paper can take a couple of months.
Some Common Questions:
Q: Can I keep my horse Studbook Paper when my horse dies?
A: You return the Paper to the Registrar of the NZFHS Inc. It will get processed at the KFPS office and marked invalid, whereafter your paper can be posted back to you (upon your request).
You will then get your paper deposit returned.
Q: Can I change the Studbook Paper name of the horse I have bought?
A: Unfortunately, you are not able to.
Q: What happens if my Studbook Paper is lost?
A: You can order a duplicate Studbook Paper. The form to apply for a duplicate is on the NZFHS Inc. website.
Q: I have bought a mare in foal. How do I register the foal once it’s been born?
A: The Seller of the mare should have already registered the breeding that took place with the NZFHS Inc. Registrar. You can contact the Registrar to check on this. E-mail: The seller should have already paid in full the Stud fee for the breeding. Once the foal is born you will be able to register it under your ownership name.
Please follow the link below for more information on how to register your foal.

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